Ahava medical centre at Chikwawa district helps to serve the medical needs of over 43,000 people with about half of these numbers under 16.
Operating an outpatient clinic in a remote village in Malawi has many challenges and without secure reliable electricity, offering high-quality medical service is even more demanding.
The clinic only had a weak grid supply with many outages, therefore offering treatment and control of diseases like malaria, bilharzia, cholera, and HIV/AIDS is very difficult. Besides medical care, we offer education and training to villagers to improve the circumstances of vulnerable children, orphans, and widows as well as hygiene and nutrition advice.
To provide a high-quality level of care, many situations are depended upon electricity which has been a major challenge over many years. Reliable quality lighting for wound care, examinations, and security require a secure electricity supply. In addition, fridges to store vaccines, medications, and power administration equipment all became a challenge due to the lack of electricity during the frequent power cuts.
In Oct 2020 a new 12 kWh Zhyphen Instant Grid with a 3.8kW solar array was installed providing a secure electricity supply without polluting, noisy diesel generators that require expensive, often hard to obtain fuel.
Due to the plug-and-play attributes of the Zhyphen Instant grid, it was commissioned by a local installer generating them much-needed income in just a few hours. The system is now monitored remotely from the UK giving us complete peace of mind.
Because of the high quality of the system and the excellent standard of the Zhyphen Instant Grid system, Ahava Ministries has decided to order an additional Instant Grid system for the second phase at our compound.
We look forward to many more years of uninterrupted electricity supply for the work which we are automatically doing for the most vulnerable people around us.
On behalf of Ahava Ministries,
Chrissie Onderstal (Managing Director)